Hillcrest Creek widened to prevent flooding

Essential work underway to protect households from flooding

Publish Date : 03 Mar 2016
Hillcrest Creek
Auckland Council is widening Hillcrest Creek (centre) to reduce the risk of flooding to 117 households in Northcote and Hillcrest

Work is underway to widen Hillcrest Creek and reduce the flooding risk to over 100 properties in the Hillcrest area.

The project, which involves widening 260m of the creek and duplicating a culvert under Hillcrest Avenue, will help to ensure homes are safe during big weather and flooding events. It will also allow for future development to occur in the Northcote area.

For the project to proceed, Auckland Council has sought access to some private properties and offered compensation to affected landowners who neighbour the creek.

The work will involve some trees being removed from the creek bank, including an English Oak, and two kauri from one of the impacted properties.

“While it is unfortunate that we have to remove these trees, we are offering landowners advice and suitable replacement trees to plant on their properties once the works are complete,” Auckland Council’s Manager Stormwater, Craig McIlroy, says.

“As we upgrade stormwater systems around the region, we want to ensure that we are replacing native trees and enhancing these projects as much as we can.”

The widening was one of many project options considered to reduce flooding in the Hillcrest area.

“We looked at many options to increase the creek’s capacity, including deepening the channel and an alternative pipeline alignment,” says Mr McIlroy.

“The final design to widen the creek is the most cost effective and least disruptive to the surrounding area, and carries the fewest construction risks.

“We are grateful to the landowners for their support while construction is underway."

What is the council doing?

Widening 260m of Hillcrest Creek to increase its capacity.

Why are we doing it?

To reduce the risk of flooding to 117 households and parts of Northcote where future development is proposed.

When are we doing it?

Construction began in February. The completion is scheduled for June 2016

Are property owners affected?

Properties neighbouring the creek are affected. Auckland Council began consultation with neighbours in 2010, and a resource consent for the work was notified and granted in 2013. Affected property owners have been offered compensation.

What about the kauri and oak trees?

It is unfortunate that the council needs to remove native trees to enable this essential work to proceed. We would like to offer appropriate native replacement planting to the land owners, along with advice from the council’s biodiversity experts to help establish which trees would be most suitable for their properties.

Auckland Council will aim to develop this approach on an ongoing basis whenever storrmwater infrastructure work impacts significant native trees on private properties.

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