Auckland Council owns nearly four hectares of land in the Takapuna town centre, around the Anzac Street car park and the Gasometer site.
The Anzac Street car park sits right in the centre of Takapuna. Its size and location provides an exciting opportunity for great open spaces, new shops, businesses and places to live that will unify the heart of Takapuna.
Possibilities could include cafes and restaurants opening onto a refurbished Potter’s Park, interesting laneways connecting to Hurstmere, Green and the beach beyond, a more attractive space to host events, a safe, bustling environment with people always around.
What’s happening?
Panuku Development Auckland is Auckland Council’s urban regeneration agency. Panuku is leading the upgrade of the council-owned sites, with the goal of creating a more connected and attractive town centre and bringing more housing into an area valued for its mix of urban and coastal living.
The potential for better use of these sites has been well outlined, most recently in the Takapuna Centre Plan (2014).
Over the next few months, Panuku plans to undertake work to better understand the planning and geo-technical requirements for the site. Auckland Transport is also reviewing the car parking and transport requirements for Takapuna now, and in the future.
Once Panuku has all this information, it will start developing and testing different options for the sites to balance all the requirements to best utilise the land.

What will it look like?
Designs for the Anzac Street car park and Gasometer site are still some time away.
A key priority is improving the connection through to Hurstmere Road and the beach beyond. This might take the shape of interesting plazas and laneways.
Panuku will also need to look at how to best connect with Potter’s Park to make this a really safe and desirable place to spend time.
The Anzac Street site currently has a nine-storey height restriction, so it’s anticipated there will be some apartments above a ground floor of shops, cafes and restaurants.
What’s going to happen to the parking?
Panuku is working closely with Auckland Transport to review the car parking and transport needs now and for the future. The long-term goal is to provide an adequate level of car parking to support the needs of the town centre.
At the moment, the current car park doesn’t make the most of the land. Panuku and Auckland Transport are looking at all options. Potentially parking could go above ground or underground, and more parking could be located at the Gasometer site.

What’s happening with the Takapuna Sunday market?
Panuku recognises that the Takapuna Sunday market is a valued part of the local community and doesn't anticipate any change to the current market arrangements for one-to-two years.
Panuku is working with the market operator and Devonport-Takapuna Local Board to look at options for the future of the market.
When will development start?
Panuku doesn’t anticipate any development to start for at least one-to-two years. It is likely that work will be staggered across the sites, to ensure parking and public transport is maintained and there is minimal disruption for customers and retailers.
Visit Panuku Development for more information.