Would you use a self-drive car?

Last Updated : 25 May 2016
Would you use a self-drive car.jpg

Car companies are rapidly integrating new technologies into their vehicles. These range from helping drivers in particular situations, such as Intelligent Parking Assistant Systems, to total automation.

The Ministry of Transport has suggested that Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) are the way to cut vehicle emissions, improve safety, and reduce congestion - particularly in Auckland.

They have recently invited manufacturers world-wide to bring their vehicles to NZ if they want to test them in real traffic conditions, so you may soon see these driverless cars about town and on the motorway.

Have your say

The Transport Research Group at the University of Waikato are interested in finding out New Zealanders’ views of these new vehicle technologies and their willingness to use them.

To share your views take part in the survey.

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