Rural recycling bins for Franklin

Publish Date : 25 Oct 2016

Recycling will be significantly easier for residents in rural Franklin, with the start of Auckland Council’s fortnightly roadside collection service to almost 7000 properties.

Until now, rural recyclers have had to take their recyclable materials to drop-off locations – many of which operate on alternate weekends.

Text reminder service

Residents are encouraged to sign up for the free text reminder service for the new recycling collections, which start the week beginning 31 October. Simply text your address to 3169 and you will be sent a reminder the day before your next collection.

Watch what happens to Auckland's recycling

Recycling bin etiquette

  • A surprising number of items can be recycled as part of the kerbside collection. These include plastic, glass, metal and cardboard packaging containers from the kitchen, bathroom and laundry.
  • Paper, cardboard and milk and juice cartons, e.g. Tetra Pak cartons, can also go in the bin.
  • Residents are asked to rinse and squash all containers and leave the lids on all bottles and containers.
  • Bins need to be roadside by 7am on collection day.

Get more information on what can be recycled

No plastic bags, please

Plastic bags and other soft plastics still can’t go in the recycling bins as they clog up the recycling machinery.

The good news is that a number of supermarkets and shops  including New World, Pak’n’Save, Countdown and The Warehouse  have set up collection points for soft plastics and packaging.

By this we mean shopping bags, bread bags, frozen food bags, the plastic wrap around items such as toilet and kitchen towel rolls, empty chip packets, pasta and rice as well as food wrap.

Basically, anything made of plastic that can be scrunched into a ball.

The returned soft plastics are shipped to a facility in Melbourne that turns the plastic into a variety of products including bollards, traffic speed bumps, decking and tracking, and outdoor furniture.

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