What the future holds for Howick

Publish Date : 01 Nov 2016
What the future holds for Howick

What could Howick Village look like in 30 years?

That’s the focus of a new plan being developed by Auckland Council.

The Howick Village Centre Plan will present a 30-year vision for the village and the surrounding communities. It will also explore what makes Howick Village special and what the future may hold, and will set out a 10-year action plan of projects towards that vision.

The plan aims to create a vision to help the village and its surrounding community continue to thrive, and attract new businesses and residents.

Howick Local Board is sponsoring the plan.

Auckland Council staff will be at some local events this summer to get community input on the draft, which is expected to be presented to the local board next year. This will later be released for public feedback.

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