Online Cenotaph a living memorial

Publish Date : 27 Mar 2017
Auckland Museum's Online Cenotaph

Albert Victor Waetford, of the First Māori Contingent and the Egyptian, Gallipoli and Western European campaigns. His granddaughter Flora Falanaki discovered an image of Albert’s handwriting inscribed into a rock in Malta, that a stranger had uploaded to Online Cenotaph. Since then she’s been able to piece together the details of his life with Online Cenotaph. 

Photo supplied by Flora Falanaki

Auckland War Memorial Museum’s Online Cenotaph is a living memorial to those who served Aotearoa New Zealand during times of international conflict.

Individuals, families, schools, communities and researchers can use the database to explore a wide range of content relating to our service personnel.

The Online Cenotaph pulls together information about service people from sources such as embarkation, military service and other government records; newspapers; and families.

There will eventually be a page for everyone who has served our country in international conflicts.

You can help improve the Online Cenotaph and share your own knowledge about a service person’s life by adding a brief contribution to that person’s record page.

Visit the Online Cenotaph

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