Thanks Auckland! Annual Budget submissions break record

Last Updated : 29 May 2017
How to have your say on our Annual Budget

Thanks, Aucklanders – Auckland Council’s Annual Budget consultation received 8,058 written submissions (PDF), an increase of more than 140 per cent on the previous year and triple the number of submissions compared to 2014/15, final numbers reveal.

In addition to written submissions, 103 comments were received through social media, while nearly 1500 of us attended one of the 'have your say' or other events across Auckland.

Support for key proposals 

People also provided feedback on a number of key policy proposals:

  • On the level of rates rises, the majority (57 per cent) agreed with the proposed 2.5 per cent increase.
  • Two thirds of Aucklanders (66 per cent) supported the targeted rate on accommodation providers.
  • 66 per cent of respondents supported growth infrastructure charges.
  • The living wage policy for council staff received strong support, with 71 per cent supporting the proposal.

Finance & Performance Committee Chair, Councillor Ross Clow said that the level of interest in the consultation showed that Aucklanders were keen to have their voices heard.

“I want to thank Aucklanders for taking the time to consider how the council spends their money and to express their views on the council’s priorities over the coming financial year."

Reaching out to our diverse communities

More feedback came from across our diverse communities, including Maori, Pasifika and Asian Aucklanders, than ever before – 44 per cent of the total, up from 18 per cent last year.

Watch: Gloria Gao from Chinese New Settlers Trust talks about engaging with Asian communities

Mayor pleased at support

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff said it was pleasing to see support for the council’s policies to share the burden of growth and help underprivileged Aucklanders lead a decent life.

“Ratepayers have shouldered the burden of Auckland’s growth for too long. It is time for those that enjoy the benefits of growth to pay their fair share, and the feedback suggests that Aucklanders share that sentiment with broad support for the targeted rate on accommodation providers and growth infrastructure chargers."

What happens next?

Elected members will now consider the feedback in a series of briefings and workshops ahead of final decisions that will be made on 1 June.

The plan will be formally adopted by the council on 29 June and the final plan, including 21 local board agreements will be available on the council website in July.

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