The CRL is one of the biggest transport projects ever undertaken in Auckland. What does that look like in numbers? Read on to find out.
One million cubic metres of soil will be excavated during the project. Much of this will go to the Three Kings Quarry and other clean landfill sites.
Twin tunnels will run for 3.4km about 42m below the city’s streets.

The number of piles dug on Albert Street between Customs Street and Wyndham Street by giant machine ‘Gomer’ (above).
Five-and-a-half years – the length of time the project is expected to take.
The number of people that will be able to use the train system during peak times once the CRL is complete.

Two new underground stations are being built – Aotea and Karangahape Road.
Up to 1600 people will be needed to build the CRL during the project’s peak period of operation.
Zero – the amount of waste the CRL project is aiming to send to landfill. This means a lot of planning, but the team hopes to be able to reach this aspirational goal!
Stay up to date with the CRL
You can keep up to date with what's happening on the CRL on their website or Facebook page.