What's it like to work at Auckland Museum?

Publish Date : 12 Jun 2017
What's it like to work at Auckland Museum?
Johnny Hui. 

Johnny Hui is Family and Early Years Programmer at Auckland Museum. He tells us a little bit about why the museum is a special place to work. 

What does your job involve?

I create educational programmes for the Weird and Wonderful kids’ area in the museum. I also work on family and community events like the Cultural Festival.

We’ve run outreach programmes at Auckland Libraries for the last couple of years, and now we also go into schools and early childhood centres, to teach about dinosaurs, insects and marine topics in multiple languages.  It’s been really cool going into those schools and centres and inspiring kids that way.

What do you think is the museum’s best-kept secret?

I would say it’s the staff – we have really amazing people at the museum!

It’s one of those unique places where there’s always something new going on and someone can always tell you something interesting.

Someone’s always around the corner to tell you about something cool, like Ta-Sedgemet, a 3000-year-old mummy, or the Te Pahi Medal.

What’s your favourite thing about Auckland?

The diversity – in terms of the community, and in terms of what you can see and do. There’s so much to do and see and so many interesting people!

Auckland Museum is supported by the ratepayers of Auckland through funding from Auckland Council.

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