The upper loop of the Arataki Nature Trail and the Parker Track in the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park will be open from this weekend following the completion of upgrade work to ensure track surfaces meet the standard of the Controlled Area Notice.
Auckland Council Regional Parks Manager Rachel Kelleher says bad weather during April both contributed to degradation of the track and prevented upgrade work progressing ahead of this week’s range-wide closures coming into force.
“The team has worked really hard to improve surfaces on these popular tracks around the Arataki Visitor Centre and get them open again for use.
“Work has included resurfacing the tracks with metal and installing barriers to the inaccessible part of the nature trail.
“High track surface standards enable visitors to still enjoy access to kauri forest and clean their footwear on the way in and out – which is an essential condition of the Controlled Area Notice that sits over the forested areas of the park,” she says.

Te Kawerau a Maki agrees with the opening of the Arataki Nature Trail’s upper loop, the Parker Track and the section of track that links Parker with the nature trail (known as the plant identification trail).
Te Kawerau a Maki Executive Manager Edward Ashby says the decision to open these tracks was carried out in partnership with council.
“We are pleased that after a significant amount of work by council staff these tracks are now at a standard we agree is safe for kauri and public access.
“This work was necessary to ensure our forest is safe and we will continue to work through a further phase of rolling openings with council along with developing a long term strategy and upgrade programme," says Mr Ashby.