10 tips for raising rock-star readers

Publish Date : 20 Dec 2018
10 tips for raising rock-star readers

Wondering how to entertain the kids this summer? Auckland Libraries summer reading adventure Kia Māia te Whai Dare to Explore has officially launched.

Running until 21st January, the programme is an easy and fun way for your 5-12-year old's to beat boredom and is designed to foster kids’ love of learning and can help maintain reading levels over the holidays.

Here are some more tips to get you kid's reading:

  1. Set a reading routine

Have a special spot or a set time for whole-family reading.

  1. Read aloud regularly

Expose your children to a huge and complex range of text and ideas – they’ll understand far more than they can read for themselves. Even older children enjoy being read to.

  1. Join your local library

Where books and reading experts are on tap!

  1. Increase the book conversation

Ask questions aloud as you read, e.g. “I wonder why he did that?” You’re modelling what a good reader does. Reading is not passive – when you read, you think.

  1. Introduce a book series

Series of books allow children to become better readers and to build up their reading speed and momentum. The road to success is paved with series.

  1. Do whatever it takes to increase reading action and fun

When kids enjoy something, they don’t want to stop.

  1. Dads, get involved!

You are a role model in your kids’ lives with the power to turn them into readers. Especially let your boys see you enjoy reading.

  1. Let children choose their own books

Children are far more likely to finish a book they have chosen themselves and, at the same time, will discover the pleasure and power of reading.

  1. Increase the time your kids spend independently reading

More reading time means greater reading achievement.

  1. If you can, build your children’s own book library.

The number of books at home influences your children’s enthusiasm and reading level.

Q: What is the best book for any child?
A: It’s the one they want to read!

Rob Southam, Scholastic Ambassador

“A childhood spent with books prepares you for a lifetime as a reader.”  Open a World of Possible, Scholastic 2014

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