Looking to celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week) with your whānau?
There’s a plethora of activities and events to be found on the Auckland Libraries website and we’ve picked out a few in different areas across Auckland to help you find one near you.
Letterpress for Te Wiki o te reo Māori
Make your own bookmark to keep in all your te reo books! Drop into Birkenhead Library and print your own bookmark in te reo Māori using an old-fashioned Albion printing press!
Te reo Māori bilingual Rhymetime
Bring your tamariki to Glenfield Library to sing along to rhymes, dance and stories in te reo Māori and English!
What better way to celebrate Māori Language Week than through stories? Come along to Rānui Library and lose yourself in bilingual stories and tales. Followed by a performance by Te Whakatipu Kakano from Rānui Primary School Kapa Haka Group.
Get into the spirit of Māori Language Week and enter Massey Library’s whakataetae (competition) on Māori words. Kia kaha tātou ki te korero Māori! Paiā!

Central and East
Karapu pānui Māori - Te reo Māori reading group
Want to improve your te reo reading? Join Central City Library’s adult reading group, a space to read, discover and discuss te reo texts in a safe and friendly space. Ma te kakau me te matā e whaoa. (Through our combined efforts we will achieve success).
Raranga: Māori weaving workshop
Learn about the tradition of Māori flax-weaving (the kaupapa of raranga) at New Lynn War Memorial Library. Discover the philosophy, harvesting and preparation of flax, and then get hands-on learning weaving designs including flax flowers, kete and fish. (Pre-booking required).
KASA: Kids after-school activities
Celebrate language through action with Papatoetoe War Memorial Library’s after-school activities – learn how to weave with paper, make your own kete and more!
Te Wiki o te reo Māori Storytime
Come together for some waiata, stories and panui pukapuka at Māngere Town Centre Library.