Quay Street Cycleway Extension opens

Publish Date : 12 Sep 2018
Quay Street Cycleway Extension opens (1)
Quay Street Cycleway

The Quay Street Cycleway Extension is now open for people on bikes to ride safely into the city centre from east Auckland. The project extends the original two-way Quay Street Cycleway from Plumer Street, past Spark Arena, to near The Strand intersection.

The 800m cycleway safely separates people on bikes from traffic and gives people walking and running their own dedicated space.

AT’s Manager Walking, Cycling and Road Safety Kathryn King says the cycleway extension is an important addition to the city centre’s cycling infrastructure.

“The Quay Street Cycleway is one of Auckland’s busiest. In 2017 we recorded 299,544 trips at our totem counter near the Ferry Building, and this year we are averaging 878 trips per day.

"The cycleway extension will encourage even more people to ride bikes, and we look forward to seeing more people giving bike riding a go as the weather improves."

The project includes a floating bus stop with pedestrian crossings across the cycleway opposite Tapora Street, and landscaping and planting have been done by Ngāti Whātua Orākei.

Councillor Chris Darby, Auckland Council’s cycling champion, says “it is important that we connect up our cycling network to make these trips safer and easier, so that even more people can join the bike revolution. This project is a vital step towards a citywide cycling network.”

The project is part of the Urban Cycleways Programme, funded in partnership with NZTA.

Watch a video about the Quay Street Cycleway Extension:

Making cycling an everyday travel choice

NZTA’s Steve Mutton, Director Regional Relationships for the Upper North Island, says this is an exciting project and it will not only make it easier and safer for people to cycle it will help to encourage cycling as an everyday travel choice.

“The NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Transport are continuing to work together to substantially improve Auckland’s cycling network to encourage more people to cycle, more often and safely to help make Auckland a more liveable, vibrant and thriving city.”

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