Park projects in full swing across Kaipātiki

Publish Date : 27 Mar 2019
Parks projects in full swing across Kaipatiki
John Gillon at Lysander Reserve in Beach Haven. 

A number of exciting park improvement projects are underway or set to get underway shortly across Kaipātiki.

Parks and reserves in line for make-overs include Tamahere Reserve in Windy Ridge, Manuka Reserve in Bayview, Lysander Reserve in Beach Haven, and Hilders Park and Larking’s Landing surrounding Beach Haven’s beach.

Shade sails have also been confirmed for Shepherds Park playground in Beach Haven.

Tamahere Reserve

A new and better playground has just been built within Windy Ridge's Tamahere Reserve.

The new playground, located at the Tamahere Drive end of the park, features a play module suitable for older children, along with a mount with slide, basket-swing, see-saw, natural play elements and a new seating area for parents.

The old playground, located at the end of Redfern Lane, will be removed and new paths completed shortly. The project is expected to be fully completed in late April.

Parks projects in full swing across Kaipatiki (2)
John Gillon at Tamahere Reserve in Windy Ridge.

Manuka Reserve

Weather permitting, work to build a new replacement playground with improved play elements catering for all ages and abilities will commence in May.

The new playground will better integrate into the reserve surrounds and feature new play elements including a playhouse, climbing structure, birds nest swing, embankment slide, double-swing and honeycomb springer.    

The old basketball court will be replaced with a new 3x3 half-court closer to the new-look playground.

The park will also receive new picnic tables and seating, improved paths, new plantings and trees, as well as improved shade provision.

All going to plan, works will be completed by late August for a community opening in early spring.

Lysander Reserve

The long-awaited and anticipated work to overhaul and renew Lysander Reserve in Beach Haven has now been confirmed to start in early May.

All of the old equipment, including existing paths, low retaining walls, asphalt and old corrugated iron fencing will be removed to create a blank canvas for implementing its new design.

The new design will better utilise the available space to provide a much more attractive and functional play area for local children.

New elements will include paving and paths, basketball quarter court, Taniwha climber module with shade sail, basket swing, landscape planting, rain garden, drinking fountain, picnic table, seating, fencing and a new wall to screen the adjacent shop buildings.

Weather permitting, all works will be completed in late June.

Hilders Park and Larking’s Landing Reserve

Improvements are coming to reserve land surrounding Beach Haven’s beach and for its recreational wharf.

Improvements include the restoration and repurposing of Frank Larking’s beloved rowboat into an interactive play feature for children on Larking’s Landing. They will also include the installation of new beach furniture, signage, lookout platform and paths throughout the surrounding beach park and reserve area. These works will commence in April.

Concept plans for repairing and improving the wooden recreational wharf will be shared and discussed over the coming weeks. Wharf works will potentially include strengthening the platform and handrails and replacing the head section of the wharf.

It will be proposed, subject to resource consent approval, to remove the head of the wharf (including the old stairs and platforms) and replace it with a gangway and floating pontoon for fishing and water play. The proposal will also include a raised platform at one end of the floating pontoon to enable safer diving and ‘bombing’ water play.      

The local board is aiming to consult with the community in April, and have a final design settled in June to enable construction to occur over winter, followed by completion and reopening in spring.

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John Gillon in front of recreational wharf in Beach Haven.

Shade coming to Shepherds Park

Shepherds Park playground in Beach Haven will become the next location to receive a shade sail structure similar to those installed at Little Shoal Bay Reserve and Inwards Reserve. Installation is expected to take place by the end of June.

Kaipātiki Local Board Chair John Gillon says it’s a busy time and exciting time in the parks space.

“We have a lot going on, from consulting on a 30-year masterplan for Birkenhead War Memorial Park, to working with the community on improving the recreational wharf at Beach Haven and restoring Frank’s old boat on Larking’s Landing.

“We will soon be communicating with our community on an exciting new coastal boardwalk project in Beach Haven, and sharing information on next steps in terms of the tracks and reserves currently closed to prevent the spread of Kauri Dieback.

“We’d like to thank our communities who have worked with us on our projects and we look forward to joining you to celebrate their completion shortly.”       

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