Historic site needs a little love

Board calls for upgrade

Publish Date : 03 Apr 2019
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There’s life in the Papakura’s Centennial Rest Rooms yet and Papakura Local Board member George Hawkins is looking to Auckland’s Council’s property arm Panuku to restore the building to a usable state.

"Next February the rooms will be 80-years-old and those former Plunket rooms are part of the town’s history, and they are being left to deteriorate," he says.

In days gone by, public toilets were only for men since women were thought to be at home doing domestic duties.

"But Papakura led the way, raising most of the $1500 needed for the restrooms," Mr Hawkins says.

"Now 80 years later the building is in a  sorry state and it isn’t good enough that the roof leaks, and the damage is being left to get worse. The whole place is deteriorating."

Board member Katrina Winn agreed any number of local groups would jump at the chance of being able to use the centrally-located facility.

"It is showing its age and just needs a little bit of love."

Panuku has been sent a request for it to restore the building so it can be put to community use.

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