Car enthusiasts revved up in Howick

Board thanked for backing free event

Publish Date : 01 May 2019
Car enthusiasts revved up in Howick

Car lovers flocked to this year's Auckland Brit and Euro Classic Car Show, organisers have told Howick Local Board.

Car registration and attendance numbers continue to increase year on year, with the initial 440 vehicles on show in 2016 up to 1077 at this year's event, held on 3 March. Organisers estimated that about 10,000 people attended the event in 2019, a 20 per cent increase on the previous year.

"This free community event would not happen without the support of the Howick board," car show chair Rev Dr Richard Waugh says.

Board chair David Collings attended the event earlier this year and says the crowds were impressive. "It is clear this something of a signature event that is eagerly awaited by car enthusiasts."

The classic car show is now Howick’s second largest free community event, behind the annual Christmas parade.

Local board support

Organisers have been working with Howick Local Board ahead of the 2020 event.

Four formal requests have been made to the board about the Lloyd Elsmore Park venue:

  • that bollards at Gate A are removed to allow for a wider entrance more suited to vehicle access for exhibitors and emergency vehicles
  • for more off-street parking in front of The Depot
  • to address the issue of a hazard on the path to the marble sculpture, where the path is higher than the surrounding grass on either side - creating a trip hazard
  • and for security on the Saturday night before the Sunday show, to allow for signage and bins to go out ahead of the public event.

Estimates for security have been put at $1000, but organisers say that money could go to a willing community group, adding benefit to another organisation.

Dr Waugh has also called for the board to help deal with compliance costs such as health and safety requirements.

"Organising food stalls and waste management and the like is often beyond the expertise of the volunteers involved and we would ask the board to make provision in the budget to enable a qualified person to undertake the work."

There was also a call for shelter in the form of a large marquee, although that would add to the need for on-site overnight security.

Estimates for the work would add $6500 to the $25,000 the board currently allocates to the event.

"The board will undertake a full review of the event before making any commitment, but that will be done well in advance of the 2020 show," board chair David Collings says.

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