Don't miss out on voting - check your enrolment details

Publish Date : 03 Jul 2019
Update your enrolment to be in time to vote

With the local elections approaching, Aucklanders are being asked to check their enrolment details, so they don’t miss out on voting.

The Electoral Commission has started sending out enrolment update packs. These should arrive in your letterboxes by 8 July.

Mandy Bohté, the Electoral Commission’s National Manager of Enrolment and Community Engagement, says people must be enrolled at the right address by 16 August to receive their voting papers in the mail.

“When you get your pack in the mail, check your details are correct, so you don’t miss out on voting in the October local elections.

“If we’ve got the right details for you, you don’t need to do anything more. If anything needs updating, make the changes and send them back to us straight away.”

People can also enroll or update their details by visiting, calling 0800 36 76 56 or by visiting any PostShop.

Anyone who receives an information pack addressed to someone else should send it back to the Electoral Commission.

“If you don’t get a pack by 8 July, it means you’re not enrolled or need to update your address, Ms Bohté says.

The elections will be held from 20 September to 12 October.

The candidate nomination period opens on 19 July.

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