Island area plans will be open for feedback in early 2020

Publish Date : 25 Jul 2019
Island area plans to open for feedback early 2020

Waiheke Island and Aotea Great Barrier Island residents and ratepayers will be asked to give feedback on area plans for the islands early in 2020.

“While research and investigations are well underway, there are still important information gaps we have to address,” said Warren Maclennan, manager of planning, north-west and islands.

“The recent pace of growth on Waiheke, in particular, requires we carefully examine all future opportunities and constraints before we complete a plan for the sensitive development of the island over the next 20-30 years.”

Similarly, the high natural and environmental values on Aotea Great Barrier mean setting a direction for sustainable development requires extensive examination of all relevant factors.

Workshopping with key stakeholders including iwi from the islands will continue in the information gathering process to assist preparation of the draft area plans.

Information from the delayed release of the 2018 census will contribute to this knowledge as well as public feedback on issues such as pest management, the finalisation of the region-wide document “Our Water Future”, and the impact of tourism on environmental and economic outcomes for the islands.

“We would like to have produced these plans earlier but it’s important we offer proposals that are up-to-date and sound for the local boards, residents and ratepayers, and all stakeholders to consider,” said Mr Maclennan.

The current local boards of both islands will continue their involvement in progressing the plans before handover to incoming boards, aiming at seeking public engagement on draft plans around /March 2020.

“Public engagement will be extensive to ensure that all parties have the opportunity to have their say on proposals in both draft plans,” Mr Maclennan added.

“We are very conscious of the islands’ unique attributes and qualities that need careful consideration.”

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