Solar lights to improve Tarnica Park

Publish Date : 08 Aug 2019
Solar lights to improve Tarnica Park

Solar lighting will be tried at Tarnica Park to combat anti-social behaviour.

Residents say unruly teenagers gather regularly, indulging in unsocial behaviour and leaving them feeling unsafe.

Howick Local Board members met residents at the Botany park, acknowledging their concerns but saying Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design advice was that permanent lighting might encourage the behaviours they wanted to eliminate and create a false sense of security in the area.

The board favoured motion-activated solar lights and urged residents to continue to work with police and the Botany Crime Watch Patrol, saying it would also raise the issue at its next police briefing.

Residents supported the solar approach and asked for better maintenance, a longer-term look at the park and its layout and upgrade schedule, and a possible safety audit.

The board will look at the renewal schedule to see where Tarnica Park sits and consider asking for it to be brought forward if no work is pending.

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