Pine Harbour ferry passengers are the first to get a taste of what the Ferry Basin Redevelopment project will offer Auckland with the opening of the new Pier 1D Pontoon.
The new berth is the first of six that will feature on Queens Wharf West as part of the programme to create a modern, high capacity ferry terminal in time for America’s Cup 2021.
The opening on Monday 24 Feb marks a major move forward for Downtown Programme Director, Eric van Essen.
“With six projects currently under construction, the Ferry Basin Redevelopment programme is leading the way,” he says.
“These are exciting times, it’s a significant milestone getting Pier 1D up and running. Although there’s still plenty of work to do, it gives people a taste of what will be a world-class, future-proofed facility in operation by 2021.”

Access to the new pontoon will be via a newly installed gangway at the southern end of Queens Wharf. The massive 33 by 6-metre aluminium gangway structure, is the first of three to be installed and they will be the largest of their type on the Auckland Transport network.
With space for four adults to span their arms across the gangway, there is plenty of room for the influx of passengers expected into the Ferry Basin for the America’s Cup and the years beyond.
Although the southern end of Queens Wharf won’t be fully complete until late May, when berth 5 is operational and the canopy installed over the gangway, Pier 1D is fully operational for Pine Harbour services from today.
There's good news also for North Shore Customers as the Stanley Bay service also resumes from Pier 1B today.
AT Ferry Services Manager Gareth Willis, is pleased passengers are starting to get a glimpse of the reward in store for their patience.
“It’s early days, but great to see it starting to piece together, we really appreciate passenger’s support while we’ve put together what will be a superb facility.
“As time progresses, we’ll gradually move more services over as new facilities become available.”
To find out more about ferry services in the Downtown Ferry Basin visit
The Ferry Basin redevelopment is one of six projects currently under construction (with a target for completion by 2021) with the aim of transforming the waterfront into an attractive, generous and welcoming destination along the water’s edge.
Those projects include the Quay Street strengthening programme, the Quay Street enhancement, the Ferry Basin redevelopment, the Galway Street enhancement, the Mooring dolphin and the Lower Albert Street bus interchange.
To find out more about the Downtown Programme visit or