Getting strategic in Maungakiekie-Tāmaki

Last Updated : 17 Mar 2020
Getting strategic in Maungakiekie-Tsmaki

Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board is looking to the community to help shape their priorities for the next three years, and they already have a strategy in place.

This time around, their Local Board Plan will be written to strategically align with the Auckland Plan, in conjunction with input from stakeholders and the community as a whole. 

“I’m proud of how much we reach out to our communities to be involved and help guide us as their representatives” explains Chris Makoare Local Board Chair. 

“This year we are working more strategically than ever before, by using the Auckland Plan and the six priorities within that plan which were created through engagement from communities across the region”

A result of this targeted focus, the board's priorities will include a specific line for Maori identity and well-being. 

“Maori outcomes have always been included in all board priorities, what is different this time is that we will have a specific outcome that focuses directly on how to ensure that Te ao Maori is thriving and visible in the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki area.”

Drafting of local board plans is underway for all 21 Auckland Council local boards.  Communities are being called upon to get involved in helping their local representatives draft community-focused priorities that will support good decisions making over the next three years.

“If our local board plans align with the Auckland Plan then there will be a stronger mandate for influencing regional decisions, include funding and investment priorities”

“So far, feedback indicates that our communities agree with this approach. There will be a chance for everyone to look at the draft plan in June of this year when we will provide everyone with the opportunity to check that the board in on the right track and have captured the feedback they have given.”

The last of community and stakeholder’s engagement activities will be held over the next week including Tuesday 17 March at Oranga Community Centre between 6pm–8pm. 

There is still time to provide input online at    before 30 March.

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