Franklin Local Board takes a wider view on new roads

Streets could be about to get bigger

Publish Date : 10 Aug 2020
Franklin Local Board takes a wider view on new roads

New roads to service growing communities in Franklin could get wider following local board feedback.

Franklin Local Board has provided feedback to Auckland Transport that some of the roads in new subdivisions are too narrow, presenting problems for emergency services and large vehicles.

Its feedback to Auckland Transport also raised issues of a lack of on-street parking, the design of parking bays, and congestion around a new school that added to the risk to children’s safety at drop-off and pick-up times.

Consultants involved in the Paerata Rise development have responded to the board, saying that future stages now being designed and consented have slightly wider streets in response to concerns.

“[The consultants] have indicated to us that they are working with Auckland Transport’s parking specialists to maximise on-street parking by limiting restrictions while still allowing for safe access,” board chair Andy Baker says.

“The Ministry of Education is responsible for ensuring that the effects of the school, including road safety and parking, are addressed. It is pleasing to see developers demonstrating a willingness to consider changes."

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