A project to upgrade Greenslade Reserve will soon enter stage two works later this month following a funding boost from the Government.
The work includes the lowering of the existing sports field and the replacement of underground stormwater pipes to reduce the frequency and severity of flooding in and around the town centre.
Stage two was confirmed following a funding boost through the Government’s “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects scheme, a scheme aimed to get the economy going post-COVID-19. Auckland Council and Kāinga Ora welcome this funding for the Northcote Development project, which includes works at Greenslade Reserve.
As part of Northcote’s redevelopment, Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters department is leading the Greenslade Reserve transformation, creating a fresh new public space for sport, recreation, and a new urban wetland as part of Te Ara Awataha – Northcote’s new greenway.
Key project deliverables will include:
- an improved stormwater network to service the surrounding Northcote area
- a flourishing urban wetland
- an improved high-performance sports field
- new recreational facilities, including terraced seating, BBQ area and walkway.

The commencement of stage two works will means that there will be no access to the reserve during construction. Construction is expected to begin this month and conclude next winter.
Stage one works, to improve the stormwater network, is almost complete. This involved digging up old stormwater pipes and replacing them with larger ones and installing a wetland. This enables greater capacity by reducing pressure on the network, especially with the incoming new housing development. Ideally, the wetland will also restore natural ecosystems by encouraging new natural habitats in the wetland and connect the community to the natural environment.
“It is fantastic news that stage two of the work is able to proceed,” says Kaipātiki Local Board Chair, John Gillon.
"This project supports the Northcote redevelopment, while also improving our park and environment. What will be delivered here will benefit the Northcote community for many years to come, and help to change the whole dynamic of the surrounding area.”

Healthy Waters project manager, Carl Hewison, is also pleased.
“The Greenslade Reserve project is tracking well to date, and it is helpful to everyone involved that we are able to continue without pause into stage two,” he says.
“The improved stormwater services enable the urban development plans to continue without delay, and that means we should also be able to reopen the reserve to the community sooner.”
This project is part of a wider programme of work to enable development and support the growth of Northcote. The works are being delivered by Auckland Council, Panuku Development Auckland and Kāinga Ora - in partnership with mana whenua and the Kaipātiki Local Board.
If you would like to find out more or to receive updates about the project, email Northcote@piritahi.nz