Ko te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau e tautoko ana i Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

Ka toko ake Te Wiki o te Reo Māori mō te tau 2020 ā tērā wiki

Last Updated : 17 Sep 2020
Ko te Kaunihera o Tamaki Makaurau e tautoko ana i Te Wiki o te Reo Maori
Highlights from Hīkoia te Kōrero 2019. There is no hīkoi this year due to COVID-19

Ahakoa he nui ngā pēhitanga a te mate Kōwhiti-19 i runga i ngā whakaritenga a te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau i tēnei tau, he nui tonu ngā tikanga a Te Kaunihera hei mahi māu, hei whakapakari i tō reo.  

“E hiahia ana mātou ki te tōpū mai i te iwi ki te hāpai i te manako nui a te tāone nui ki te tini whiwhinga i te reo Māori hei whakapiki i te tuakiri o te tini tikanga ā-iwi. Koia tō tātou rerekētanga i te ao whānui, nō reira me ngahau tonu te ako i aua mea,” hei tā Kaikaunihera Alf Filipaina, Heamana o te Komiti Papa Rēhia, Mahi Toi, Hāpori me ngā Kaupapa Whakahaere.

“Ka āhei tātou ki te whakaū i tōna oranga tonu, engari ki te ngaki i tōna whakatupu hei mea pakari i roto i tō tātou ao i Tāmaki Makaurau nei.”

“Nau mai takinga ingoa wāhi” he whitiāhua

He tino wero te whakahuahua tika i te reo Māori.

Puta noa i te wiki tērā he rārangi whitiāhua ka horahia. Ka whakamātauria koe ki ngā ingoa ā-wāhi i Tāmaki Makaurau nei me tōna whakahua tōtika.

Whakamātauria i Auckland Council Arts & Culture YouTube channel, Facebook page, i Instagram rānei e rongo ai koe i ētahi o ngā kanohi kitea o Tāmaki Makaurau e kōrero ana mō ngā wāhi e manawanui ana rātou. Ata tirohia i #ReoMaoriAKL.

Kātahi ka whai atu ai e koe. Whakairihia he whitiāhua ōu, o tētahi rōpū rānei o koutou e whakahua ingoa wāhi nō Tāmaki Makaurau e whai take ana ki a koe. Kaua e wareware ki te whakamau i a #ReoMaoriAKL. Tekau ngā paraehe, he rauemi reo Māori ka tukua atu mā ngā whitiāhua pai rawa atu ka whakamahia te tohumarau #ReoMaoriAKL.  

Ko te Kaunihera o Tamaki Makaurau e tautoko ana i Te Wiki o te Reo Maori (1)

Tūāpapatia te āpōpō

Ko te kaupapa i Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Tāmaki Makaurau (Ngā Whare Pukapuka) he mea kia: Tūāpapatia te āpōpō.     

Kei te whakahau ngā tira kei ō mātou whare pukapuka 55 kia tohea e te katoa te reo Māori; me te hora mahi mā te hunga tamariki hei kawenga ki te kāinga whakamātautau ai.

Teri Ta’ala, Poukōkiri Whakatapoko Tāpaenga | Whakamāhere me te Whakawhanake a te Pātaka Kōrero o Tāmaki Makaurau e kī ana, tērā Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Tāmaki Makaurau i te wāhi pai rawa atu mō te tohe i te reo Māori.

“He hunga mātau ki te reo Māori e kaikā ana hei hoa kōrero Māori tahi. Ehara i te mea me mātanga reo Māori rawa koe. He wāhi āhuru ngā whare pukapuka hei kōrero Māori ahakoa te wā o te tau.”

E pōwhiri hoki tēnei nā Teri ki te rahi o Tāmaki Makaurau kia toko ake kia kite i te kohikohinga taonga tuku iho ā te rohe i a Kura e mōhiotia ai ngā panonitanga me ngā arohanga tupu kē o te reo. Kei roto i te kohikohinga nei ētahi o ngā tauira tuhinga tawhito rawa o te reo Māori puta noa i te motu.

E ako i ngā taiao katoa e hōrapa nei i Tāmaki Makaurau

E ngana ana te tira Ratonga Papa Rēhia a te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau ki te āwhina i te iwi o Tāmaki Makaurau ki te ako reo e hāngai ana ki ētahi o ngā taiao o Tāmaki Makaurau. Kei te whāia e rātou mā te whitiāhua kei runga ipurangi. Mātaki i a Kuruho Wereta, Āpiha Aro Mātai i runga i a  Auckland Council Parks Facebook page i a ia ka  torotoro i te ngahere, pāmu, maunga me te awa e horapa ana i Tāmaki Makaurau.

Ngā Torotoronga o te reo Māori huri noa i Tāmaki Makaurau

He mea nui mō te whakapakari tangata te whakaoho i te reo Māori. He aha i kore ai hoki e ngahau tonu i taua mahi? Ko Hīkoia te Kōrero te tikanga hou ki runga i te taupānga GooseChase a te Tira Whakaawe a te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau.

Hei mahi āhuru mā te whānau e pā ana ki te ako i ētahi rerenga kōrero taketake, te hanga i tōu ake pepeha (he kīanga mō tō tuakiri ake), he hono ki te maunga i tōu ake wāhi noho, te mahi poi me te hanga rākau tītī tōrea.

He ai ki te Pou Taki Kōrero o te Tira Whakaawe a te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau, ki a Jacquelyn Collins, “E aro ana te kēmu ki te tamariki, engari he ngahau tonu mō te katoa. I te hiahia mātou ki te whakapiki ake i ngā hua o ngā whāinga i puta i te wā o te noho rāhui, me te āwhina i te iwi o Tāmaki Makaurau i runga i tā rātou hīkoi ā-reo Māori.”

He tere, he māmā hoki ki te tīmata

  1. Kimihia ka tango kore utu iho ai i te GooseChase app i te toa hoko taupānga (Android me te iOS)

  2. Huakina te taupānga ka tīmata ai te tākaro ā-manuhiri, e tono urunga hou tonu rānei.

  3. E hono rānei ki te kēmu mā te kimi i a Hīkoia te Kōrero i raro rānei i te kupu tono 1BPVMJ. Haere mā tō kotahi, e hono tīma ā-whānau, ō hoa noho tahi rānei (me tākaro ki ngā hunga o tōu ake kāinga noho.)

  4. Ka hono atu ana koe, ka haria tōtikatia atu koe ki te rārangi whāinga, e tohe ki te tākaro!

Ko te Kaunihera o Tamaki Makaurau e tautoko ana i Te Wiki o te Reo Maori (3)
Highlights from Hīkoia te Kōrero 2019. There is no hīkoi this year due to COVID-19

Te reo i runga ipurangi

Hāngai atu ana ki ngā kaupapa me ngā whakahau puta noa i te rohe, e rua ngā tikanga nui kei te whāia i te ipurangi e rārangi ana me ngā manako o te Kaunihera ki te whakatairanga i te whakamahia o te Reo Māori i te ipurangi.

Mai i te tīmatanga o Te Wiki o te Reo Māori ka āhei ngā manuhiri ki te pae tukutuku a te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau i te ipurangi ki te māwhitiwhiti i waenga i te reo Māori me te reo Ingarihi i tana whārangi ā-kāinga. Ka tīmata hoki te kite a te hunga whakapā atu i te rahi haere o ngā kupu Māori i runga i ngā rerenga ā-tuhi o te pae tukutuku, me ōna whakamārama kua whakaritea hei āwhina ki te ako tāngata.

Mā ngā hunga o Tāmaki Makaurau kua āhua pakeke kē te reo, he āhuatanga pai tēnei hei whakamātau i a koe anō.

Tāpiri atu, ko ngā rerenga kōrero Māori matua i te pae tukutuku ka noho mai ki runga ake i te rerenga kōrero Ingarihi kaua ki raro.

He mea tēnei e kitea ai te aronuitia o te reo Māori i Tāmaki Makaurau, he tikanga hoki kua whakaritea mō ētahi atu o ngā pae tukutuku a te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau.


Me te rahi o ngā tāpaetanga a Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau i te Wiki o te Reo Māori, meinga a 2020 hei tau i whai koe i te tai o te tini me te mano, i tū māia mai koe ki te whakamahi i te reo Māori ia rā. 


Ko te Kaunihera o Tamaki Makaurau e tautoko ana i Te Wiki o te Reo Maori
Highlights from Hīkoia te Kōrero 2019. There is no hīkoi this year due to COVID-19

Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau supporting Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week) for 2020 kicks off on Monday 14 September.

While COVID-19 has had a big impact on plans for this year, Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland Council) still has some fantastic opportunities for you to get great in your reo (language).

From learning the basics, to giving your reo Māori a good workout with a fluent speaker at our libraries, finding out about the Māori culture by completing challenges on the Goosechase app, there is something for everyone of any age and any ability.

Despite only 2.5 per cent of Aucklanders being fluent in te reo Māori, interest in learning the language is surpassing spaces available with education institutions that are either at capacity or have long waiting lists.

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2020 is the perfect time to be part of the growing movement that is embracing our nation’s indigenous language.

“We want to bring people together and lift our city’s appreciation of the positive impact reo Māori has on our cultural diversity and identity. This is our unique point of difference in the world, so let’s have fun learning about it,” says Councillor Alf Filipaina, Chair of Auckland Council’s Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee.

“We can all play a part to ensure that it doesn’t just survive, but it becomes a strong and thriving part of our lives here in Tāmaki Makaurau.”

“Nau mai place names” videos

You don’t need to feel daunted at getting reo Māori pronunciation right.

Over the course of the week a series of videos will be released. They will introduce you to Māori place names in Tāmaki Makaurau using correct pronunciation and will be a great place for starting small.

Check them out on the Auckland Council Arts & Culture YouTube channel, Facebook page or Instagram and hear some well-known Aucklanders talk about places that are important to them. Just look for #ReoMaoriAKL.

Then give it a go. Post a  video of yourself or a group of you pronouncing an Auckland Māori place name that is important to you. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #ReoMaoriAKL. There are 10 reo Māori resources prizes up for grabs for those with the best videos. Be sure to use the hashtag #ReoMaoriAKL to be in to win.  

Ko te Kaunihera o Tamaki Makaurau e tautoko ana i Te Wiki o te Reo Maori (1)

Tūāpapatia te āpōpō (Laying the foundations for tomorrow)

This year’s theme at Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland Libraries) is: Tūāpapatia te āpōpō - Laying the foundations for tomorrow.  

The teams at our 55 libraries are encouraging everyone to try out your reo Māori; offering new activities for tamariki (children) to take away and try at home.

Finding people to practise your reo on can be hard, so here’s your opportunity to test yourself with real reo speakers.

Teri Ta’ala, Poukōkiri Whakatapoko Tāpaenga | Planning & Development for Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Tāmaki Makaurau says that Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Tāmaki Makaurau are great places to give reo Māori a go.

“We have competent reo Māori speaking staff who are eager to converse in te reo Māori. You don’t have to be an expert. Libraries are a safe place to practise your reo Māori any time of the year.”

Teri also invites Aucklanders to view the region’s heritage collections in Kura to get an understanding of how te reo Māori has changed and evolved. The collections hold taonga tuku iho (heirlooms) and include some of the earliest written examples of  te reo Māori in the country.

Learn the environments that make up Tāmaki Makaurau

The Auckland Council Parks Services team is helping you take your reo to the next level by learning relevant reo for some of Auckland’s environments. They are doing that using online videos. Watch Ranger Kuruho Wereta on the Auckland Council Parks Facebook page as he explores the ngahere (forest), pāmu (farm), maunga (mountain), and awa (river) around Auckland.

Exploring reo Māori across Tāmaki Makaurau

Giving reo Māori a go is really important for building confidence.

Why not have some fun at the same time?

Hīkoia te Kōrero (Walk the Talk) Challenge is the latest online offering on the Goosechase app from Auckland Council’s Activation Team.

Whānau (family) friendly missions include learning a basic reo Māori phrase, creating your own pepeha (account of your identity), connecting with your local maunga (mountain) and making poi or rākau for tītī tōrea (decorative batons for traditional rhythmic stick games).

This is a great way to really stretch your reo Māori or challenge your family and friends to see who has the best reo.

Auckland Council’s Activation Advisor Jacquelyn Collins says, “The game is targeted at tamariki (children), but it’s fun for everyone. We wanted to build on the success of the challenges we ran during both lockdowns, while also helping Aucklanders with their reo Māori journey.”

It’s quick and easy to get started:  

  1. Search for and download the free GooseChase app  in the app store (Android and iOS).
  2. Open the app and either play as a guest or sign up for a new account.

  3. Join the game by searching for ‘Hīkoia te Kōrero’ or the code 1BPVMJ. Either go solo, join as a family team or with flatmates (must play with your same household).

  4. After joining you will be taken straight to the mission list, so get playing!

Ko te Kaunihera o Tamaki Makaurau e tautoko ana i Te Wiki o te Reo Maori (2)
Highlights from Hīkoia te Kōrero 2019. There is no hīkoi this year due to COVID-19

Te reo online

In addition to the activities and activations occurring throughout the region, Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland Council) is also getting on board with two important online initiatives that align with council’s commitment of whakatupu (growing) the use of reo Māori.

From the start of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, visitors to the Auckland Council website will be able to toggle  between reo Māori and English on the homepage.  Users will also start seeing more kupu Māori (Māori words) including definitions across the website; another way we are helping people learn.

For Aucklanders who are more advanced, this is a great way to test yourself.

Reo Māori headings on the website appear above the English instead of below.

This approach recognises the value of reo Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau and is a style that has been adopted on other Auckland Council websites.

With so much on offer from Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau during Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, make 2020 the year you join the growing reo Māori movement and build your confidence to use the reo everyday.

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