Protect and learn about Auckland's environment this summer

Publish Date : 18 Dec 2020
Protect and learn about Auckland's environment this summer

Every season provides unique opportunities to treasure and restore Aucklands natural environment, and summer is no exception.

Get stuck in and support our environment with these activities:


Get out in your garden and clear out the pesky pest plants and other weeds.

Pest plants takeover habitats and out-compete native plant species. By controlling pest plants, we give native species the best chance to flourish.

Take a look here for a guide to controlling pest plants, including a pest search.

Bird monitoring

Tune into the iconic sounds of NZ summer and listen out for the songs of our native birds.

Challenge yourself to identify the birds in your area, or go further afield to one of our regional parks to discover some of the rarer species.

Learn about your local area here and discover the animals and plants that call Auckland home.


It’s always a good time for backyard trapping, and there’s no better time than when the weather is good.

Pest animals are a threat to our natural environment as they feed on native birds and reptiles, and also graze on native plants potentially causing widespread loss.

By reducing the numbers of pest animals, we help protect and restore our natural environment.

The council's Tiaki Tāmaki Makaurau website provides heaps of advice to get you started identifying and trapping pests. Click here for more information.

If you want to go beyond your backyard, keep an eye on Tiaki Tāmaki Makaurau for volunteer opportunities near you.

Protect our kauri

Kauri dieback in Auckland is a serious problem and it’s important we all play our part to prevent the spread of the disease.

If you enter or leave a forest/area with native trees anywhere across the region, here are three easy steps you need to remember:

  • Scrub– clean all soil off your footwear and gear.
  • Spray– your footwear and gear with disinfectant at every cleaning station you encounter. Kauri dieback can be spread by just a pinhead of soil.
  • Stay– on open tracks and off kauri roots.

Always check the Auckland Council kauri webpage before going for a walk to find out what tracks are currently closed. 

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