Rodney residents urged to give feedback on Recovery Budget

Last Updated : 23 Feb 2021
Rodney residents urged to give feedback on Recovery Budget (1)
Rodney Ward Councillor Greg Sayers

Consultation is open on Auckland Council’s 10-year Budget and Rodney residents are being urged to give feedback on decisions that shape their future.

Described as The Recovery Budget, the proposals shape spending for the next decade across the region; prioritising Auckland’s recovery from the impacts of COVID-19 while also maintaining and renewing community assets, protecting the environment and responding to climate change.

Rodney Councillor Greg Sayers says like many businesses and organisations, the council is experiencing a sharp drop in revenue resulting from COVID-19 and expects that for at least the next three years this will affect the work it can undertake and the services it can provide.

“My commitment is to ensure we are striking the right balance between keeping rates as low and fair as possible and delivering the services our communities need, it’s really important to the people of Rodney that this happens."

He says the council must maintain essential services and that cost savings and prudent and responsible management of council finances are essential.

To respond to the COVID-19 crisis, the budget proposes a one-off rates increase of 5 per cent to be introduced for the next financial year only, before returning to 3.5 per cent rates increase the following year.

“The Matakana Link Road project will continue as part of a $3.6 billion investment in transport infrastructure. Up to $6 million a year in seal extensions will progress if the council’s proposal to further increase spending on transport infrastructure by $550 million in next three years, goes ahead,” says Councillor Sayers.

He says the Auckland region has suffered the worst drought in its history and needs urgent investment to improve the resilience of its water supply.

“The council is proposing to further increase spending on water infrastructure by around $145m in the next three years to $2.3 billion,” says Councillor Sayers.

Have your say

Elected members want residents’ feedback to help shape Auckland’s future, maintain the services that communities rely on, and guide the level of rates they pay.

Consultation on the 10-year Budget is open until noon on 22 March.

Ways to have your say

Go to to:

  • Download and read the 10-year Budget consultation material
  • Make an online submission
  • Get details about events to speak with elected members.

In person events

  • Visit akhaveyoursay for a list of northern events about the Recovery Budget

Webinar events:

  • Visit akhaveyoursay for a range of online webinars about the Recovery Budget.

View the draft 10-year Budget at local libraries and service centres where you can also pick up a submission form.

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