Local board urges Waiheke residents to speak up on Accommodation Providers Targeted Rate during 10-year Budget consultation

Last Updated : 16 Mar 2021
Local board urges Waiheke residents to speak up on Accommodation Providers Targeted Rate during 10-year Budget consultation
Guests at Waiheke Backpackers Hostel.

Waiheke Local Board Chair Cath Handley is urging residents to speak up during Auckland Council’s 10-year Budget consultation, closing next week on 22 March.

Auckland Council’s ‘Recovery Budget’ will determine council spending across the Auckland region for the next 10 years and aims to help the region recover from the on-going impacts of the COVID-19 crisis.

Chair Handley says the board is advocating to the council’s Governing Body on a number of issues that affect the island, one of those being the Accommodation Providers Targeted Rate (APTR).

Auckland Council decided to suspend the Accommodation Providers Targeted Rate until 31 March 2021 following its Emergency Budget consultation in July last year, to ease the impact of COVID-19 on accommodation providers.

“We’re urging Waiheke property owners and residents who host paying visitors to give feedback on the options for the ongoing suspension of the APTR,” says Chair Handley

“We also want to see Waiheke moved into Zone C for the APTR,” says Chair Handley.

The APTR has three zones, A, B and C, where varying levels of the APTR apply. Zone A being closest to the city and charged more and Zone C furthest away and charged least. Waiheke currently sits in Zone B.

“We’re also advocating for, and proposing support for a number of other initiatives that will impact the island positively. We need your feedback on all of these.

“The development of a sustainable visitor strategy, delivery of the Tawaipareira Reserve Concept Plan, increased protection for our natural biodiversity - this budget will touch on so many areas that affect our island. We need you to have a say.”

Councillor for Waitematā and Gulf Councillor Pippa Coom says she really appreciated hearing directly from Waiheke residents about local priorities during a couple of visits to the island this week.

“Now is your chance to let us know where and how you think money should be spent over the next 10-years by giving official feedback during the Recovery Budget consultation that closes really soon.”

Find out more and have your say online by 12-noon Monday 22 March 2021 at akhaveyoursay.nz/RecoveryBudget

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