Concept for Avondale Library and Community Hub agreed following feedback

Publish Date : 25 Jun 2021
Concept for Avondale Library and Community Hub agreed following feedback

Whau Local Board has approved the finalised concept design for the new Avondale Library and Community Hub, following design changes made following feedback from the public consultation earlier this year.

The consultation, which received 315 pieces of feedback, provided a wide range of topics relating to the design. While positive overall, four key themes emerged – car parking, playground, facility size and the kitchen.


Based on the issues raised in the feedback, the following approaches will be taken:

  • Car parking: plans will now be investigated to create a new 34 space car park at Racecourse Parade
  • Playground: There is potential for a future playspace and the detailed design of the centre will include play value or play activities
  • Kitchen: The kitchen location has been adjusted to accommodate external equipment
  • Size: Data modelling has shown that the existing size of the facility will meet demand, though there is opportunity for future expansion.

Whau Local Board Chair Kay Thomas says that the adapted concept plan makes sense.

“We are pleased that Eke Panuku has been able to find solutions to the issues raised by the public during the consultation process. It shows the worth of speaking to the community to get the plans right.

“It’s also really pleasing to be able to see this project really gaining momentum, and I, like the rest of Avondale, am very much looking forward to seeing progress continue.”

Next Steps

A detailed business case will now be produced for each project before a developed design is produced in January 2022.

Read the report here.

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