Five-year leases awarded for community groups in Whau

Last Updated : 01 Nov 2021
Whau River Catchment Trust
Whau River Catchment Trust volunteers. Photo Credit: Whau River Catchment Trust

Three Whau based community organisations have had their leases for council buildings renewed for five-year terms.

Avondale Community Action, Plunket and Whau River Catchment Trust have all had their current leases renewed by Whau Local Board.

The leases mean Avondale Community Action will lease the clubrooms and garage space at Eastdale Road in Avondale, Plunket will remain in the council-owned building at 582 Blockhouse Bay Road, and Whau River Catchment Trust will continue to be based at the former parks depot building in Terry Street, Blockhouse Bay.

Empowering the community 

Whau Local Board Chair, Kay Thomas says that the leases continue to demonstrate the boards’ commitment to community organisations.

“One of our roles as a board is to do all we can to empower the community. By providing space for these established, hugely beneficial organisations, we are helping to provide much needed community services.

“Plunket run programmes designed to support families with young children by offering a range of activities including clinical health services, support groups and initiatives, educational courses, and health promotion. We know the huge value for young families Plunket provides.

“Avondale Community Action empowers the community, running various programmes and community initiatives from the location, including activities for young people amongst other things, and we have been really impressed with their work to date.

“The Whau River Catchment Trust helps our community care for our environment and delivers a wide range of community-based environmental projects along the Whau River. They use the council-owned facility to store equipment for community-based events which are always well received.

“So we see all three of these organisations do fabulous work in the community, and while we have the space available to be used, we are really happy to be able to provide them with the much-needed locations to do their valuable work and provide the ability to plan for the longer-term with five-year leases.”  

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