Community-led plan to restore Harbourview Orangihina

Publish Date : 10 Dec 2021
Harbourview Orangihina

A community-led plan to restore Harborview-Ōrangihina Park in Te Atau Peninsula has been agreed to by Henderson-Massey Local Board.

Developed in partnership with mana whenua representatives, community members, community organisations and various council departments, the plan includes a background of site history, current ecology, threats, current management, guiding principles, recommendations, and highlights many community opportunities for restoration, including timelines and draft costings.

It contains a whole-of-system approach to looking after the area:

  • Mauri Tu: progressively eradicate or reduce the impact of animal and plant pests:
  • Protect and enhance habitat for taonga wetland and shorebirds:
  • Ki uta ki tai: take a catchment-based integrated approach to restore water quality, watercourses (streams and drains), ponds and wetlands:
  • Innovative and sensitive management of archaeological sites
  • Ngahere Rākau Whenua: Restoration techniques including native planting

It will now be implemented where possible through a combination of support and advocacy for new and existing projects and direct local and regional funding.


Henderson-Massey Local Board Chair, Vanessa Neeson, says that the plan is a true community collaboration.

“Harbourview-Ōrangihina is a true treasure that is incredibly loved by the community. It has a rich history and is of significant ecological value.

“Following the development of the masterplan in 2019, we wanted to help the community to care for the park for years to come, and the first step was producing a restoration plan, to help restore it to a healthy functioning environment.

“Putting together this plan with the community was really important. We are all to be custodians of this precious place, and we think a partnership approach will get the best results.

“As a board, we will do all we can to support the implementation of the plan to the best of our ability, while acknowledging the importance of the involvement of people in the restoration of the park.

“We want it to be a wonderful, thriving park that generations can be proud of. And this restoration plan is a step towards making that happen.”

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