Local decision-making supported

Last Updated : 08 Mar 2022
Manurewa-Papakura Auckland Councillor Angela Dalton says decisions around giving more responsibility to local boards are an important part of consultation into the city's Annual Budget.

Local decisions should be made locally so councillors can focus on regional issues, Manurewa-Papakura Auckland Councillor Angela Dalton says.

As part of the council’s annual budget consultation, residents are being asked to comment on giving more decision-making power to the city’s 21 local boards.

“There are 150 elected board members across the city, and after nine years serving on the Manurewa Local Board I certainly believe they need more power to make decisions around community facilities that impact people at a local level.

“It would be more efficient and effective and allow councillors who make up the governing body to concentrate on the regional role they need to be focussed on.”

A champion for equity across the city, Cr Dalton says proposals in the three key areas of the consultation should deliver fairer results.

“The climate issue proposes a targeted rate that would be spent on better public transport, electric buses and tree cover, with the focus of planting put on areas with low cover, which includes the south.

“That’s why looking for equitable outcomes is important. It makes no sense to spend money in areas that already have good cover when it could be directed to struggling parts of the city. It’s not a one size fits all approach.”

That argument holds for the second key issue, waste services, she says.

“It’s 12 years since amalgamation but the city still hasn’t standardised waste services and costs. The budget proposes standard charges with three bin size choices, a move that should be cheaper for many households than continuing to use bags and tags and a pay as you throw system.

And she says the financial pressures council is under continue to bring challenges as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

“There are four key levers council can use, saving, borrowing, increasing income, and selling non-service or non-strategic assets.

“It all means spending will have to be prioritised and criteria have been developed to make the right decisions, but we are asking Aucklanders if we have got the principles and criteria right.”

Feedback on the Annual Plan is open until 28 March and can be given online at akhaveyoursay.nz, by emailing akhaveyoursay@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz or at events being run across the region. 

Details of all events can be found at akhaveyoursay.nz or you can call 09 301 0101.

Feedback forms and supporting information will also be available at local board offices and service centres or can be requested by emailing akhaveyoursay@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

After consultation, all feedback will be considered, with the Annual Budget 2022/23 to be adopted in June. Decisions will be widely communicated, and a summary report of the budget will be available online.

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