Charge into Claris on your e-bike

Publish Date : 20 May 2022
Locky Dock With Bike

Claris has a brand new Locky Dock station for charging e-bikes, located outside the Aotea/Great Barrier Local Board office. The charging station is solar-powered, free, and available 24/7.

In 2019, the local board’s “One Local Initiative” project to develop a solar energy system for the Aotea council building was completed. The project came in under budget, so the board investigated the addition of an electric bike charging unit.

Many locals are keen to start using eco-friendly forms of transport to get around.

"People told us they’d like easier access to charging stations. We hope the new charging station encourages more locals to think about sustainable forms of transport." says Aotea/Great Barrier Local Board Chair Izzy Fordham.

"As well as looking after the environment, people are benefitting their own health and wellbeing by opting to hop on a bike."

Initially planned as a three-bay bike charging unit, the final design includes five bays, allowing for five e-bikes to charge at once.

Originally due to open to the community from April, delays in shipping as well as covid impacts prolonged the opening. It is now open for everyone to use.

Izzy says the local board is increasingly focused on the transition towards alternative energy and is committed to improving EV transport options across the island.

Cycle on over and try it out. It’s BYO charger, so don’t forget to pack yours, and you can download the Locky Dock app on an iPhone or Android to securely lock and unlock your bike.

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