Drury stations get te reo names

Publish Date : 31 May 2022
The name Maketuu pays tribute to the Maketuu stream and the ancient Te Maketuu Pā (Pratts Road Historic Reserve).

Names gifted to KiwiRail’s proposed new Papakura-Pukekohe line stations reflect mana whenua relationships to the area’s awa (rivers and streams), and historical sites, and reflect their original names.

The working names of Drury central, west and Paerata, will become Maketuu, Ngaakooroa and Paeraataa, the double vowels preferred by mana whenua over macrons.

KiwiRail has been working with Auckland Transport to deliver the new stations.

The New Zealand Geographic Board, which encourages restoring original Maaori names, is responsible for naming them, but KiwiRail and AT can propose them.

KiwiRail’s Brent Lancaster says the company recognised the opportunity to work with iwi to identify culturally appropriate names.

“The names will enable the restoration of original place names, honouring and preserving the cultural identity and mana of mana whenua, and their use on our network encourages the integration of te reo into everyday life.”

KiwiRail and AT will submit the names to the Geographic Board, which follows a statutory process for confirming them that includes public consultation.

Maketuu pays tribute to the Maketuu stream and the ancient Te Maketuu Pā (Pratts Road Historic Reserve).

Ngaakooroa was chosen due to the nearby stream. Its catchment includes large waterways, fertile, low-lying cultivation areas, and borders the resources of the Manukau Harbour.

Paeraataa joins pae - a ridge or resting place, and raataa, named for a large tree that grew on the Burtt Road ridge.

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