Stone Cottage pride of place in Panmure

Publish Date : 14 Jun 2022
Panmure Stone Cottage

The local Stone Cottage Museum is considered by many a jewel of Panmure, following recent works the heritage building shines like a gem.

Built around 1854-1857 and relocated from Mt Wellington to its current site at 1 Kings Road, Panmure in 1971, the cottage has recently undergone significant works to ensure that it is watertight and fit for use.

The building is now back to its full glory and open to the public again.

Works on the six-room building included:  window joinery and other timber repairs, internal and external paint work, complete replacement of the shingle roof, and even repainting of the flagpole.

“These may seem like relatively small maintenance works,” explains Maria Meredith chair of the Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board which funded the renewals, “however, with a building as old as this one any maintenance needs to be carefully considered.”

As will all heritage buildings there are stringent rules around working with the heritage aspects while making any improvement, hand required specialised tradesmen and contractors to carry out the work.

The Panmure Historical Society looks after the Stone Cottage Museum and its historical contents.  Patrick O’Meara, President of the Society explains that they are “committed to preserving and maintaining the unique history of the Panmure area, which is one of the oldest settlements in Auckland."

"This cottage is a stunning window into a past era and as such deserves to be cherished.”

The Panmure Stone Cottage Museum is open to public viewing every second Sunday of each month 11am – 3pm, or upon request.  Contact the Panmure Historical Society for details:  


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