Experience Kaipātiki by kayak and spotlight

Publish Date : 20 Sep 2022
Kaipātiki Kayak Day May 2022 Auckland 8338
Participants exploring the Kaipātiki estuary. Courtesy of EMR.

Aucklanders can discover Kaipātiki’s unique salt and freshwater environments this October with two free events from Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) made possible with a funding grant from Kaipātiki Local Board.

For Kaipātiki Kayak Day, participants will explore the Kaipātiki estuary by kayak, then join a guided walk around Bayview’s Mānuka Reserve, where they can learn about local pest control initiatives in the area and how they can contribute. EMR will run this event with the help of Auckland Sea Kayaks and local board-funded conservation groups Kaipātiki Project and Pest Free Kaipātiki.

The Eskdale Reserve Spotlight Event, developed with Whitebait Connection, Kaipātiki Project and Pest Free Kaipātiki, is an evening tour of the upper reaches of Kaipātiki Creek where people can discover the area’s freshwater wildlife by spotlight and learn how they can help protect these taonga species.

Participants exploring local creeks by spotlight. Courtesy EMR.

Participants exploring local creeks by spotlight. Courtesy EMR.

EMR Auckland Coordinator Sophie Journee says these events aim to raise awareness of these critical environments, the steps people can take to help their preservation and the contributions made by the local groups involved.

“We really appreciate the recognition from the local board that events like these are impactful for the community and that we're collaborating actively with organisations that already exist within the area,” Journee says.

EMR and Whitebait Connection are not-for-profit organisations working in Auckland and Northland to encourage kaitiakitanga within the community around marine and freshwater environments through free events and education programmes.

EMR plans to run the Kaipātiki Kayak Day and Eskdale Reserve Spotlight Event in mid-and-late October respectively with details to be confirmed.

Follow the EMR Facebook page for updates on dates and registration, or email EMR's Sophie Journee for more information.

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