Dedicated community groups helping make Auckland a better place to live

Publish Date : 21 Nov 2022
Dedicated Community Groups Helping Make Auckland A Better Place To Live

Creating sustainable communities and a better place to live, as well as reducing the amount of waste going to landfill and our carbon footprint are all key focuses for a group of dedicated community groups throughout the Auckland region.

While Pacific Vision Aotearoa, Sustainable Papakura, Manurewa Waste Champions, and Aotearoa Sustainability Group (ASG) each have different projects underway, they all have the same overall vision – creating a better Auckland for future generations. And all their valuable ongoing work in the community is supported by grants from the council.

Pacific Vision Aotearoa is about strengthening the collective eco-consciousness which in turn has a positive social and economic impact on Aotearoa and the Pacific.

The group is committed to advocating and delivering community-led solutions to minimise waste and do this by engaging Pasifika communities throughout the region with a specific focus on Otara-Papatoetoe.

A sustainable future for our mokopuna is at the heart of Sustainable Papakura’s focus which offers information, and runs workshops and a range of other initiatives to help the community learn and work together to make Papakura a vibrant, eco-friendly and sustainable place to live.

Sustainable Papakura Chairperson Rosemary Nash says, “We are trying to raise awareness, educate about sustainability and waste minimisation, and we try to do that by involving people in activities they will enjoy.

“Sustainable Papakura was founded to minimise waste and help people have a better understanding of how to live more sustainably.”

Initiatives include installing twenty-four planters growing vegetables and herbs throughout the town centre, holding workshops about growing vegetables, and donating wool and knitting needles for people to knit slippers for kids at local schools.

The Manurewa Waste Champions are a network of local waste champions out in the community aiming to reduce illegal dumping in Manurewa where it is a big issue.  They are educating residents about how important it is to sort and minimise their waste and care for the planet.

Waste Champion Rebecca Titimaia says, “It’s important to look after our community where we live, and the amount of waste we have, I think there are many ways we can reduce that.

“This means a lot to me, just to know that the work I’m doing is something positive for the community that I’ve lived in all my life, and I just want to see a better future for us and our children.”

Aotearoa Sustainability Group is working towards empowering people from the South Asian and new migrants’ communities to foster waste free sustainable living by valuing and taking care of natural resources.

They’re working to connect with Auckland’s diverse population wherever they are in their journey, to create a better future for them and future generations. This includes inspiring the community reduce their carbon footprint, recycle, compost, and grow their own fruit and vegetables.

These are just a few examples of some of the inspirational work the council’s community partners are doing, read more here.

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