Mayor ends year delivering big expectations 

Publish Date : 23 Dec 2022
Mayor Wayne Brown
Mayor Wayne Brown.

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown wraps-up 2022, having delivered his mayoral proposal and letters of expectation for CCOs with the Governing Body’s overwhelming support, only 56 days into the job.

“To get to this point so soon after my inauguration has been hard work, and intense work. Already, I have met with CCOs, council staff, councillors, and local boards, as well as ministers, mana whenua, members of the public, and the odd journalist,” Mayor Brown said.

Yesterday, the Mayor sent each Council-Controlled Organisation (CCO) a Letter of Expectation (LoE), outlining the council’s priorities and expectations for Auckland Transport, Eke Panuku Development, Ports of Auckland, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, and Watercare.

The LoE informs the development of a Statement of Intent (SOI) for 2023-2026, detailing the CCO’s behaviours, operations, and service delivery.

Mayor Brown has stated that he wants to see greater transparency from CCOs in their approach to working with each other, the council, and the community.

“You will see that in some cases I am seeking a significant change in approach, especially Auckland Transport. For all CCOs, I want to see greater accountability, and we are going to work hard with them to come up with more meaningful performance measures,” Mayor Brown said.

“Like my mayoral proposal, these letters are only the start of a process that is a bit like ping-pong. The CCOs will come back to us with their draft statements, which we will then comment on. So, there will be other opportunities to work through the detail.”

The CCOs are expected to submit draft SOIs by 1 April 2023, and consider shareholder feedback before final submission by 31 July 2023.

Read the Letters of Expectation here: 

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