Auckland Council Chief Executive Jim Stabback has confirmed he will leave the council in mid-July 2023, around six weeks earlier than originally signalled when he resigned in February.
Mr Stabback’s last day as Chief Executive will be 2 July but he will remain at the council for a fortnight in a handover and transition capacity. The council’s Governing Body has today endorsed Mr Stabback’s departure plans and agreed to appoint the council’s current Director Governance and CCO Partnerships, Phil Wilson, as Acting Chief Executive.
“It makes sense to begin the transition to a new Chief Executive with the new financial year,” says Mr Stabback.
“We will have just seen the adoption of the Annual Budget for 2023/2024 and the beginning of the mid-year recess period, so it feels like the right time to begin the handover process.
“Handing over to Phil offers a smooth transition. With his wealth of experience, deep knowledge of the organisation and relationships with staff, elected members and partners, ensures there will be continuity while the Governing Body goes through the new Chief Executive recruitment process.
“This seamless approach is important for our people and our organisation in a year that has thrown so much upheaval and pressure our way,” says Mr Stabback.
Mr Wilson will begin the implementation of Annual Budget 2023/2024 decisions, initiate work on the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 and continue with the delivery of the post-flood and cyclone recovery programme.
About Phil Wilson

Phil Wilson
Phil Wilson joined Auckland Council in 2010 as Chief of Staff in the Mayoral Office and was appointed to his current role of Director Governance and CCO Partnerships in 2015. Mr Wilson held senior roles at Manukau City Council, including as General Manager Human Resources and Communications, Chief Advisor and Head of the Chief Executive’s and Mayoral offices.
He has been a board member and chair of Taituarā (Local Government Professionals Aotearoa) and was Acting Group Recovery Manager following this year’s flooding and Cyclone Gabrielle response.
Chief Executive recruitment
Recruitment for a new Chief Executive is underway and will be managed by an executive recruitment process through the council’s Performance and Appointments Committee. Candidates will be long-listed and interviewed by the Committee, which will then make recommendations to the Governing Body.
The Governing Body will interview the shortlist and settle on a preferred candidate. This process is expected to take until late October or early November and will be followed by contract negotiation and seeing out any notice period requirements.