Take it Outside - a healthier and more active lifestyle

Last Updated : 15 Jan 2025

South Aucklanders looking to get fit will be able to do so for free as the areas newest outdoor fitness centre is open and ready to use at the Papatoetoe Recreation Ground.

The centre provides outdoor fitness equipment that caters to all kinds of outdoor spaces and training activity including cardio, strength, balance, and flexibility. It cost $150,000, thanks to funding from Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board and Auckland Council.

Ōtara-Papatoetoe local board chair Apulu Reece Autagavaia supports the introduction of this initiative as it’s a different element that allows individuals to maintain an active lifestyle.

Apulu says, "Not everyone can afford a gym membership. These outdoor facilities allow more people to access fitness equipment, whether as individuals, as a group, or with families."

The local board was approached by Access for Change, affiliated AUT Center for Active Ageing, to support and fund the project.

“Local tertiary students won a competition to bring these outdoor facilities to Papatoetoe. The local board was able to leverage off the project to provide extra funding, to ensure the project could go ahead, and that our locals can access the fitness equipment”, says Apulu.

Papatoetoe Recreation Ground offers a variety of sport, recreation, and leisure opportunities such as an indoor cricket centre, hockey turf, tennis and netball courts and a bowling green.

“The Papatoetoe Recreation Grounds is home to several sports codes who can all now use these outdoor facilities at all hours of the day”, says Apulu.

Work on building the new outdoor gym at Papatoetoe Recreation Ground started this year in January, and thanks to the excellent weather conditions, the project was completed ahead of schedule and without disruptions.

Mana whenua blessed the outdoor fitness area on Thursday 14 March which includes a total of 12 stations available, with each station accompanied by comprehensive instructions.

Additionally, there is a user-friendly app that provides detailed guidance on their optimal usage.

Apulu adds, “For many years we've received feedback from members of the public that they want more outdoor fitness equipment. The local board is proud to have this finished for our community. Thank you to the groups involved. We are happy to work with external organisations, especially when our locals are involved, and for projects that our community want.”

Manager Area Operations for Ōtara-Papatoetoe, Bill Teaukura agrees saying, “It’s good to see that the outdoor fitness area offer a different element added to the facilities at the Grounds and it helps support the provision of well-managed, quality facilities for the community.”

Later in the year, Access for Change plan on hosting an event to showcase what is planned for stages two and three.

Local community at a ceremony for the new fitness equipment.

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