Local voices urged to back transport change

Publish Date : 27 May 2024

Manurewa residents are being urged to make their voices heard during submissions on Auckland Transport’s Regional Land Transport Plan.

Board chair Matt Winiata says the more people speak up on the same issues, the more the message is amplified, and the greater the chances of achieving change.

“We appreciate people have made submissions on the Long-term Plan only recently, but transport is one of the most talked about issues in our area. We must get our message heard.”

Consultation shapes how money is spent on everything from walking to road and rail.

“We hear a lot about congestion and how hard it is for those who rely on cars, so drivers need to speak up so their needs are considered too.

“Cars remain hugely important and while we support moves to get more people on trains and off our roads, the plan has to cater for those rely on their vehicles.”

Winiata says the Manurewa Local Board Plan has a strong focus on transport and identifies challenges.

“Like our neighbours in Papakura we are concerned about a lack of resilience in the roading network, roads that need repair, congestion and its economic cost, but also about safety in our streets, which seem to carry more heavy traffic than ever. Recent failures on the motorway network show that things aren’t simple for us in the south.”

Winiata says growth continues to add people to the community, but also cars to the network. “If people believe it’s time drivers and the road network took priority, they need to say so.”

The city’s 21 local boards control only their own Capital Transport Funds, money they can spend on projects they deem important that might not receive AT funding, but otherwise can only advocate for their communities.

“Auckland Transport only has so much to spend,” he says. “We need the public to support the budget we do get, to ensure we keep it.”

He says the board will be making submissions and is committed to improving pathway and cycling, safety, public transport and maintenance.

There is a local event at Manurewa Markets in Maich Road on 9 June from 7am-12pm, and there are two online events - 22 May from 6.30-7.30pm and 4 June from 12:30pm – 1:30pm online at the https://haveyoursay.at.govt.nz/ site, where you can also make submissions.

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