Tell AT what matters for transport on the shore

Publish Date : 12 Jun 2024
Ns Traffic Large

Residents of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board area have a chance to tell Auckland Transport what matters most to them for the future of transport in their communities. 

Consultation on Auckland Transport’s draft Regional Land Transport Plan (RTLP) is open until 17 June and Local Board chair Toni van Tonder is encouraging people to read and give feedback on the plan, so AT knows local priorities.  

“AT has a long list of projects, and with budgets as they are, not all of them will make the cut. So, you need to let them know what’s most important for people here on the Shore. We live in a fantastic part of the world, but our transport has issues that need to be addressed for the wellbeing of everyone in our community,” van Tonder says. 

Chair van Tonder explains what’s at stake in the RLTP for the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board area: 

  • Lake Road/Esmonde Road improvements (priority 58 of 108) “Funding for this corridor improvement is committed in outer years of the RLTP. This means it’ll be subject to another prioritisation process when the RLTP is reviewed in 3 years. This puts the project at risk, so the Local Board will be advocating for funding to be brought forward and work to start now. We think we’ve waited long enough.

  • New Ferry Terminal at Bayswater (priority 78 of 108) “This could be a real game changer so please show your support for this transport project in your feedback to ensure it goes ahead.”

  • Local Board Transport Capital Fund (priority 24 out of 108) This will enable all 21 of Auckland’s local boards to deliver important local safety improvements. We want to see that the nearly $5million we’ve lost through savings over the years gets returned to us so we can finally advance the Francis-Esmonde shared path.

  • Francis-Esmonde shared path project (not on priority list) “Currently this is unfunded, so we need to show AT how important this project is, as it will connect Devonport to Takapuna along a greenways route, supporting alternative transport options for active modes like walking, cycling and micromobility.” 

To give your feedback on the projects that are important to you, mention them in the “additional comments” section near the end of the survey. 

Feedback on the draft RTLP closes on Monday 17 June. 

Submit your feedback on the draft plan today at           

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