- In recent months, transport projects have been focused on rebuilding and resurfacing local roads, promptly fixing potholes through Auckland Transport’s pothole promise, and enhancing resilience where infrastructure repairs were needed.
- More than 35,000 Aucklanders have benefitted from the $50 weekly fare cap, helping to keep transport costs down and encourage people to take more trips on public transport.
- Auckland’s public transport network has also seen significant improvements, including new ways to pay. Since November, Aucklanders and visitors have used nearly 220,000 different credit and debit cards, smart phones and smart watches for their public transport journeys.
Auckland Council is working hard to keep your rates down and deliver value, while strengthening Auckland’s financial and physical resilience, and investing appropriately to manage growth.

Your community infrastructure is becoming more resilient
- New roads, pipes and buildings are contributing to a more resilient Auckland. This is thanks to a record $3.2 billion investment into assets, in the last financial year. Council infrastructure spend is up $487 million, helping deliver improvements in your local community’s assets.
Your local libraries are proving popular
- Council libraries have 94 per cent customer satisfaction and last year saw the highest ever number of items checked out – 4.27 million library items between July-September 2024.
Our storm-affected areas continue to be prioritised
- We’re increasing the investment in new stormwater networks and continuing preventative work in our communities, to reduce the impact of future storms – such as this great work in Northcote. We’ve also installed 56 flood intelligence cameras and have been piloting flood prediction tools.
Council savings are on target
- We’re dedicated to ensuring your rates dollar goes as far as possible, is invested wisely, and projects are cost-effective. So far this year we have achieved $31.9 million in savings and are on track to achieve a $66 million target that directly reduces rates increases.

What we’re focusing on next
We’re planning for 2025/2026
Your help is needed to ensure we’re on the right track, with our Annual Plan 2025/2026. It focuses on key activities in the Long-term Plan and the priorities for your local board. It’s out for consultation from 28 February 2025.
Your local boards will see fairer funding introduced
Local communities and their representatives will see a new fairer funding model introduced that enables your communities to have greater local decision-making and ability to deliver on the local work programme.
Learn more about work that’s benefiting you
More information is available via Your Rates - FAQs.
Read more about how your rates are invested
Learn more on what your rates contribute to in the next decade, in the Long-term Plan 2024-2034.