Pahurehure plan says assets can be managed

Publish Date : 15 Jul 2024
Pāhurehure path.

A shoreline adaptation plan for the Pahurehure Inlet has been adopted by the Papakura Local Boad.

Board chair Brent Catchpole says plans are being developed across Auckland to provide a long-term strategy for council-owned land and assets in response to coastal hazards and climate change.

“The Pahurehure plan was being developed at the same time as plans for the north and east of the Manukau Harbour, and completes shoreline planning for the area.

“We are grateful for the input of mana whenua and their values have been applied. We also had significant input form harbour users and people who live along the shoreline.”

The plan includes strategies for each stretch of shoreline, to provide guidance on how council-owned land and assets can be adapted over time to manage the impacts of climate change.

“The plan shows that within the Pahurehure Inlet there are many areas where we will not have to do anything much over the next 100 years, which is called limited or no active intervention.

“Those areas include Karaka Harbourside and Conifer Grove, where a ‘hold the line’ approach can be taken with respect to coastal erosion. That means maintaining existing infrastructure and coastal connections and land, but acknowledging increased risks from coastal inundation over time.”

However, the plan does identify managed retreat may be needed around management of land uses and assets where coastal hazard risks are higher, such as at Waikirihinau / Bottle Top Bay and Youngs Point and will impact the long-term feasibility of maintaining all uses within a specific area.

The plan is here.

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