New native plant guide to help iwi, community nurseries prosper

Publish Date : 04 Sep 2024
Kaipatiki Project Nursery 1360
The Kaipātiki Project nursery, Hobsonville.

Auckland Council now has a new tool to help boost the number and diversity of trees in Tāmaki Makaurau. 

What’s not to love about trees? They give shade and air, soften urban streetscapes and have numerous environmental benefits.

The Native Plant Nursery Guide has been developed by Auckland Council to help iwi and community native plant nurseries to be even more successful in growing native plants. 

Councillor Richard Hills, chair of Auckland Council’s Planning, Environment and Parks Committee says the guide is an important step toward greening our city and the wider region. 

“A healthy urban ngahere (forest) is a wonderful natural asset for the city and helps to create a healthy living environment with many social, cultural, economic, and environmental benefits.” 
“This broad-ranging guide is an excellent resource for iwi and community groups wanting to establish a native plant nursery, or for those who have a nursery up and running, to enhance it.” 
“The guide will ultimately help us with our goal of increasing tree canopy across urban Auckland over the coming decades, through the Urban Ngahere (forest) Strategy.” 

The guide serves as a practical step-by-step reference for establishing and running a nursery for native plants with advice ranging from the nursery layout to the materials and physical resources needed, to advice on seed propagation and harvesting. The aim is to encourage plant nursery owners to grow native plants in healthy and effective growing environments. 

Photographs of nurseries and illustrations throughout the guide make for a compelling and engaging resource. 

There are estimated to be over 60 iwi and community nurseries across Tāmaki Makaurau. Auckland Council actively helps to fund and support these nurseries to share knowledge and ideas, and ultimately increase growing capacity, plant diversity and quality through Te Aka Kōtua - Kaitiaki and Community Nurseries Network. 

To view the Native Plant Nursery Guide, click here.

Any inquiries about the native nursery guide can be directed to 

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