Boosting efficiency on Dominion Road

Last Updated : 16 Dec 2024
AT signage on Dominion Road

Dominion Road, one of Auckland Central’s busiest routes, carries over 25,000 vehicles daily while also serving as a critical corridor for public transport. With parking spaces transformed into bus lanes during weekday morning and afternoon peak hours, the route accommodates 25 buses per hour, moving approximately 1,000 passengers efficiently through the city. That's up to 1000 fewer cars on Dominion Road.

Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward Councillor Julie Fairey emphasised the importance of continued investment in Dominion Road’s infrastructure.

“I use Dominion Road most days, by foot, car, bike or bus, along with thousands of others," says Councillor Fairey.

"It’s not just an important transport corridor but a vital part of Auckland’s character, inspiring music and theatre, so it’s fitting that it is becoming more reliable and efficient to move along too. Extending bus lane hours, making our intersections smarter, and other enhancements improve safety and mobility and it’s great to have Dominion Road getting better now.”

In the past two years, AT has installed bus boosters at five key intersections along Dominion Road. These advanced systems are designed to prioritise buses at traffic lights, making them more reliable.

“Dominion Road is a busy route serving multiple suburbs, so we’re seeking to maximise the number of people moving along here to and from the city centre, but there’s still more work to do,” says Auckland Transport (AT) Manager, Chris Martin.

“Making bus journeys better and more reliable also means better journey times for cars, so bus lane operating hours and more intersection improvements are being investigated.”

This is part of a wider programme of new technology and improvements Auckland Transport, and the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi are implementing to help our existing roads keep up with the tens of thousands of extra vehicles being added to the roads each year.

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