Homeowners asked to register for road reserves grants scheme

Publish Date : 12 Dec 2024
Scenic Drive Slip (1)
Slip caused by heavy rain on Scenic Drive in Auckland. Photo credit: Bryan Lowe.

Auckland Council is seeking expressions of interest from homeowners with property access issues caused by slips on road reserves. 

A limited one-off grants scheme has been confirmed to provide support to property owners with access impacted by road reserve slips that occurred in the 2023 storms.

On 7 November the council’s Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee voted for the $5 million scheme, with the funding coming from the Crown-council funded transport network repairs budget. 

A road reserve is the strip of land between your property's boundary and the road or footpath. The grants scheme is limited to properties where access to their home is impacted by a slip on a road reserve, and the slip must have occurred during the weather events in January and February 2023.

Councillor Andy Baker, Chair of the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee, said with the unique circumstances of these storms and the fact people can’t access their homes, it was important to find a way forward for these homeowners.

“What we are trying to balance is helping these homeowners move forward with their lives, without creating an unintended burden on Aucklanders now and going forward. This is the best solution we could find and is not intended to set a precedent for future support,” says Councillor Baker.

The council and Auckland Transport are working through the details of the scheme, and are asking for expressions of interest from 13 December to 10 February 2025. Applications will be evaluated in late February and the funding allocation decided in March/April 2025. 

Affected homeowners should go to ourauckland.nz/roadreserves to see if they meet the criteria and to register their interest.

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