Auckland Transport has been asked to explain why work to improve Grand View and Hill roads needs to mean car park losses.
Manurewa Local Board has told AT it is concerned about removing car parks as part of improvements in the area, asking it for more information.
The project proposes improvements near the motorway onramp in response to community concerns that arose out of the addition of a left turn give way from Hill Road into Grand View, with some motorists failing to yield.
Board chair Matt Winiata says the work will improve pedestrian amenities and add another lane to the on-ramp.
“We support the project and its aims but wonder if we couldn’t achieve the same outcomes without the loss of parking.
“Our concerns around signals being synced with other nearby ones have already been addressed, AT doing great work to ensure efficiencies are maximised and congestion minimised.”
He says AT has also reported back on concerns from Randwick Park residents about excessive speeds around Hyperion and Riverton drives.
“Residents sought advice around speed control measures, AT suggesting driver feedback signs were likely to be ignored by speeding drivers, who appeared to have little regard for road rules.”
AT has suggested physical measures such as speed cushions and chicanes and will investigate further.
Meanwhile the board has also asked AT to look at investigating engine braking restrictions in residential areas throughout Manurewa.
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