New facilities grant opens soon for Upper Harbour

Publish Date : 12 Dec 2024
New facilities grant opens soon for Upper Harbour

Upper Harbour community groups can apply soon for a new facilities grant when applications open from 20 January to 21 March 2025.

The facilities grant supports developing, renovating and improving community facilities located in the Upper Harbour Local Board area.

Board chair Anna Atkinson says there is an ever-increasing demand for local facilities that are in good condition and available for community use.

“Upper Harbour is growing fast which puts pressure on community facilities and every need can’t always be met by the council and local board.

“The facilities grant provides funding to assist with the costs of planning and developing a community facility located in the local board area,” she says.

The grant is for the development or renovation of a facility available for community use and can be used for feasibility studies, needs assessments, investigation and design costs, building projects and physical works, and construction and development reports and fees excluding resource and building consent fees.

Also opening at the same, are local grants which are offered twice a year and provide funding for arts, community, environment, heritage, sports and recreation projects and events.

“It’s important that applicants take the time to read the local board plan before applying for any grant and then show how their project fits with the outcomes listed there,” says Atkinson.

Grants should support initiatives that meet one or more of the board’s outcomes, which include:

  • creating an inclusive and connected community

  • everyone having a voice in decisions that affect them

  • caring for the natural environment and protecting biodiversity

  • everyone having access to sportsfields, parks and community facilities

  • residents connecting easily with each other and their neighbourhoods

  • a thriving, resilient and sustainable local economy.

Applicants can apply for any amount, should complete the online application form and can view the grants programme here.

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