Civil Defence / Emergency Management

News100 Results

Civil Defence / Emergency Management 19 Dec 2023

Summer storm preparedness takes a few simple steps

With summer well and truly upon us, it is timely to remember that the season not only brings sunny days but also the chance of stormy weather.

Civil Defence / Emergency Management 27 Nov 2023

Tsunami warning sirens in Auckland region deactivated from 1 December

The Emergency Mobile Alert is the preferred method of notifying the public about dangerous tsunami threats.

Civil Defence / Emergency Management 18 Sep 2023

Auckland region tsunami siren testing on Sunday 24 September

Siren testing day is a good prompt for Aucklanders to talk with their whānau about planning for emergencies.

Civil Defence / Emergency Management 11 Sep 2023

New culvert will super-size flood protection

The Paerata culvert is in line for a massive upgrade.

Auckland's Future In Progress 6 Sep 2023

Boards back locally-led emergency response

Local input is seen as essential in any emergency planning.

Council news 31 Jul 2023

Have your say on Auckland’s civil defence emergency management group plan

From today (Monday 31 July), Aucklanders can have their say on Auckland Council’s plan for preparing Tāmaki Makaurau for potential civil defence emergencies and hazards, and how they are managed.

Civil Defence / Emergency Management 1 Jun 2023

Tsunami siren test on Sunday 4 June

Auckland’s next bi-annual tsunami siren testing is happening at 12pm (midday) on Sunday 4 June.

Events1 Result

18 Feb 2025

Tips and tricks for emergency readiness in apartments

This practical session will focus on local hazards, knowing your neighbours and knowing your buil...