Climate action
Business as usual will not protect us from the climate crisis. Together, we can cut Auckland’s emissions in half by 2030 and prepare for the impacts of climate change. See how Auckland Council is leading this transformation.
News132 Results

Auckland's Climate Plan
Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan is our long-term approach to climate action. It sets out the priority action areas to deliver our goals to reduce emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Discover your footprint
Get an idea of the impact of your lifestyle on our planet and see how your everyday actions can make a difference.

Local views will get Papakura climate ready
Local knowledge is being amassed to ensure Papakura is climate ready.

Auckland Council’s first urban heat assessment reveals “heat islands” in the city
Heat maps reveal how Auckland’s built environment impacts local temperatures.

Sacred sites will face climate impacts
Sites of culturual significance were included in a haerenga (journey) through the Papakura district.

Auckland Council awards grants to advance community climate action
Community-led climate action grants announced.

Have Your Say: Let’s protect Auckland’s environment
The ‘Let’s Protect Our Environment’ consultation is open now until 8 December 2024 and Auckland Council is inviting Aucklanders to provide feedback.

Rural Aucklanders urged to gear up for a summer of weather extremes
Auckland Council is urging rural Auckland residents to make essential preparations for any potential extreme weather events—whether it’s extended dry spells or heavy rainfall.